Frequently Asked Questions

What forms of debate do you teach?

The National Speech and Debate Association sponsors many different kinds of debate events, most commonly Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, Congressional Debate, Policy Debate, Extemporaneous Speaking, and various Improvisational Speaking events. We believe that the debate events that provide the most value – both in terms of “life skills” such as public speaking outside of debate – and in terms of accessibility are Public Forum and Congress. As such, we’ll be teaching only these two events over our first session.


Why Forensics Forward?

Forensics Forward brings together a unique combination of successful Public Forum and Congressional Debaters. Our board members are all part of the nationally renown Millburn Speech and Debate team, which has produced the #1 Public Forum champions in the 2017-2018 season as well as the #1 Congressional Debate champions in the 2018-2019 season. In addition, all of our board members have leadership experience and have worked with coaching students to success, both in and outside their teams.

Where will the lessons take place?

Online, through Google Meets. Students will be allowed to log in virtually from anywhere to access the lessons. If the schools that we have asked to partner with us would like to provide an afterschool space where students can log in virtually, we would be amenable to that option as well.

Where can I find the curriculum that will be used?

Right here for Congress: Google Drive

Right here for Public Forum: Google Drive

When will the lessons take place?

We will be holding separate lessons for Public Forum and Congressional Debate – each for an hour and a half – twice a week. Students can choose to attend one or both sessions every week to explore their interests. As we are still reaching out to schools to partner with us, we do not have specific weekdays (IE: every Monday) that are completely set in place right now.

We plan on starting in early Fall – when the school year begins – as long as the school that we have contacted to partner with us are ready to start by then. Once we begin, our curriculum for each event will be roughly 10 weeks long culminating in a tournament that will allow students to practice their skills with each other.

Where can I learn more and/or get involved?

We cultivate relationships with schools in order to connect with interested, motivated students.

Contact us if you are an interested teacher, school administrator, parent/guardian, or student and would like your school to get involved with Forensics Forward.